Author: Kelly Bitzer

Today’s Letter of the Day is “E”!

Today’s Letter of the Day is “E”!

May 1, 2023

Today is International Worker’s Day, and at Estructure, we are leaning into the most important E of all – our Employees. After years of deliberate planning and investment, we are proud to announce that Estructure is now Employee-Owned! Maryann started Estructure as a sole proprietor in 2000. As the practice evolved and the staff grew […]

Jerald Finds Estructure (and vice versa)

Jerald Finds Estructure (and vice versa)

November 2, 2022

How does a small firm find big talent? Attracting top graduates from premier engineering programs can be a long and arduous task. At Estructure, it’s personal. We’re pleased to introduce Jerald Castillo, Estructure’s newest employee. Jerald grew up in Murrieta, a small town between LA and San Diego. His family moved to Washington state where […]

No Glass Ceilings

No Glass Ceilings

September 21, 2022

At Estructure, there are no glass ceilings. We believe that a successful career does not have to be a trade-off for meaningful personal pursuits – a full life can and should include both. We are excited to announce the promotions of two colleagues that embody this belief. Heidi Schloegel is a thoughtful, accomplished structural engineer, […]

Maryann Joins the National Academy of Engineering – A Message from her Biggest Fans

Maryann Joins the National Academy of Engineering – A Message from her Biggest Fans

April 14, 2022

How does an accomplished, universally beloved Structural Engineer with a resume full of honors and distinctions commemorate 40 years of work? Some might buy a luxury car or splurge on a European vacation. But if you’re Maryann Phipps, your own celebration may take a backseat to solving a contractor’s latest emergency, chairing a Seismic Review […]

“The Greenest Building Is The One Already Built”

“The Greenest Building Is The One Already Built”

October 28, 2021

Some say, “you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.” The idea is that it is not possible to turn something ugly or inferior into something attractive or of value. This expression harkens from the mid-1500s. Our recent experiences with outdated strip malls make us believe it is time to rethink it. […]

Tim’s Tips for Onboarding in a Pandemic

Tim’s Tips for Onboarding in a Pandemic

April 1, 2021

Do you find yourself about to start a new job in a new state during the midst of an unprecedented public-health crisis? Tim has some tips for navigating safely.   Be Resourceful Pandemics can make otherwise normal activities dangerous, so a certain degree of resourcefulness is needed to prevent logistical problems. Airports and airplanes pack […]

Facing Vulnerabilities

Facing Vulnerabilities

November 24, 2020

Just as an earthquake reveals the most vulnerable building stock, a pandemic exposes the weaknesses in our social fabric. While the coronavirus is a shock to our collective system, its social and economic impacts are disproportionately felt by low income and communities of color, exacerbating preexisting vulnerabilities and inequalities in our community. Estructure is used […]

Estructure Good News

Estructure Good News

September 29, 2020

” If you don’t like the news… go out and make some of your own” For those of you who have been around long enough, you will recognize this as the closing of Wes (Scoop) Nisker’s radio broadcasts on rock station KFOG “in the old days”. Like many, we have been in search of some […]

The Other 80 Percent: Strategies for Delegating Design of Nonstructural Systems

The Other 80 Percent: Strategies for Delegating Design of Nonstructural Systems

October 24, 2019

Nonstructural systems, such as cladding, partitions, utility distribution systems, specialty components, and contents, can comprise 80% or more of the cost of a new building. Poor seismic performance of these systems can result in loss of valuable components, costly repairs, extended downtime, blocked egress, and casualties. Even in moderate earthquakes, damage to nonstructural systems can […]

Alix Kottke Promoted to Associate Engineer

Alix Kottke Promoted to Associate Engineer

July 18, 2019

When Maryann Phipps started Estructure, she knew that she wanted to mentor emerging engineers and sought out talent from the Structural Engineering, Mechanics, and Materials Program at UC Berkeley. This led her to Alix Kottke (Broadfoot at that time), who was completing a Master of Science degree at Cal. In July 2010, Alix became Estructure’s […]