Exceptional laboratory design starts with understanding how researchers and technicians work in the lab and what is important to them on a day-to-day basis. With that as foundation, Estructure works to understand the equipment and systems required for functionality following an earthquake. We collaboratively develop design solutions to satisfy regulatory requirements and project specific needs. Currently, we are researching better ways to restrain lab equipment to safeguard against earthquake damage. Stay tuned for the results of shake table testing of lab refrigerators!
Estructure has been involved in structural and nonstructural design of hospitals since its inception. In the past five years Estructure has served as Structural Engineer of Record on over 400 hospital projects, ranging from small remodels to complete renovation of hospital departments; and from small equipment replacement projects to complex infrastructure upgrades. The breadth, depth and experiences from those projects are brought to bear on each new project. Our approach to hospital renovation projects is "hands on" including detailed on-site verification of existing conditions, direct collaboration with the design/owner team during design, timely on site participation during construction and in-person meetings with OSHPD ACO and DSE as needed to facilitate approvals. With high level services provided at every stage, the most appropriate design solutions are efficiently identified and carried through construction.
Exceptional laboratory design starts with understanding how researchers and technicians work in the lab and what is important to them on a day-to-day basis. With that as foundation, Estructure works to understand the equipment and systems required for functionality following an earthquake. We collaboratively develop design solutions to satisfy regulatory requirements and project specific needs. Currently, we are researching better ways to restrain lab equipment to safeguard against earthquake damage. Stay tuned for the results of shake table testing of lab refrigerators!
Estructure has completed numerous projects that involve complicated upgrades to building infrastructure. These projects require thoughtful planning to maintain uninterrupted service throughout all phases of construction, and creative problem solving to develop cost effective constructible designs. Infrastructure projects often require extensive field work, both to investigate existing systems and during construction, to facilitate the work. Estructure works collaboratively with the owner, facility engineers and other consultants throughout all phases of the project to help deliver thoughtful solutions to extend the life of existing buildings.
From our investigation of post-earthquake performance and research in building response, we know what structural systems withstand earthquakes well and which ones are more vulnerable. Our engineers bring that knowledge to the evaluation of existing buildings and the design for their seismic rehabilitation. In addition to structural systems, we identify and mitigate nonstructural deficiencies that can affect a building’s ability to withstand and remain operational after an earthquake.
Helping to create someone’s vision is the essence of interior renovations. Estructure goes beyond that to ensure that in addition to building the vision, all components of the renovation are installed to satisfy regulatory requirements and protect the interests of the owners and users. We support the design/owner /builder team throughout any or all phases of a renovation project. We love working with design professionals and contractors to develop elegant and effective seismic restraint details that are simple to install.
Estructure is equipped to investigate damage, distress, and deterioration in structures and develop strategies to extend their useful life. We have extensive experience with existing buildings and take a hands-on approach to examining problems and and develop practical solutions to solve them. Detailed field investigation supported by creative design produces efficient solutions that reduce safety risks and extend the service life of structures.
The engineers at Estructure can take on the challenges of unique and unusual structures. We provide efficient and streamlined solutions when engineering for distinctive structures. We coordinate our work with artists and architectural consultants, and we are adept at identifying the most cost effective and expeditious ways to build, support, and seismically protect their designs.
Estructure often shares its expertise by providing peer review services to evaluate another engineer's work. We represent clients’ interests and ensure work is performed to their desired standards. Particularly with some alternative delivery methods, we believe that monitoring the design is important to ensuring quality solutions.
Estructure’s breadth of knowledge across all of our service areas gives us the experience to help advance our industry through research and development. Engineers at Estructure work on various committees responsible for research and development of the next generation of codes and standards.